Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Naughty Girls' Book Club, by Sophie Hart

Single mum Estelle sets up a book group to increase custom to her struggling cafe. The first book the group read is Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles. The members read it and raise some interesting points, yet ultimately think it's dull and old-fashioned. This makes Estelle nervous and unsure of her next book suggestion - Crime and Punishment.

As Estelle wrestles with ideas for the next book choice, she spies her very battered copy of 'Ten Sweet Lessons' By CJ Jones, the bestselling erotic novel doing the rounds, sticking out of her handbag...

Before you know it, the group are discussing all sorts of erotic literature, from Jilly Cooper's Riders to the Marquis de Sade.

This book is so much fun. I love that Sophie took the idea of an erotic read we are all very familiar with (some more than others!) and running with it. Not only do we get a story that is funny and a little bit naughty, but we also get to know the individuals in the group and each of their back stories. Some of these stories are sweet and romantic and others are more poignant.

The Naughty Girls' Book Club is one of my favourite reads this year. It followed me from room to room, and kept me company on many bus journeys - I just couldn't put it down. Yes, it's 'Chick Lit', but with a naughty twist.

Read by Kate

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